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Thomas Briggs

Wishful Significance: Common Ways We Get Things Wrong

This is a great summary of a few reasons why people make mistakes when assessing the significance of new information. I find the bits about “non-sentient messengers” especially timely.

Only Read the Fine Quotes #3

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. —George Bernard Shaw…

Beware the Spotlight Effect

Good news: no one is actually paying close attention to you.

I know that sounds cynical but it can save you a lot of stress. Why worry about things no one is going to notice?

Only Read the Fine Quotes #2

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. – Confucius

Free Course: Improve Your Influence Skills

There is some great material in here – some psychology, some communication skills, even a good reading list. Definitely worth a look.

Understand Risk vs Uncertainty

The distinction between risk and uncertainty is one of those things you’ve probably never thought about but that can help you understand the world more effectively once you’re aware of it. A subtle but powerful idea.

VIA Character Strengths

We often have a tendency to focus on problems and how we can improve. But knowing your strengths is just as important, if not more. What are your strengths?

Are You a Maximizer or a Satisficer?

From the “things we should all know about ourselves” department – are you a maximize or a satisficer? Take this quiz to find out.

Free Personality Test: 16 Personalities

Understand yourself and others better with this “freakishly accurate” test. It certainly described me correctly!