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Free Course: Improve Your Influence Skills

There is some great material in here – some psychology, some communication skills, even a good reading list. Definitely worth a look.

VIA Character Strengths

We often have a tendency to focus on problems and how we can improve. But knowing your strengths is just as important, if not more. What are your strengths?

Are You a Maximizer or a Satisficer?

From the “things we should all know about ourselves” department – are you a maximize or a satisficer? Take this quiz to find out.

Free Personality Test: 16 Personalities

Understand yourself and others better with this “freakishly accurate” test. It certainly described me correctly!

Get Better Perspective with The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life can provide some great perspective on how you see yourself, what’s important to you, and where to go from here.