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Free Course: Improve Your Influence Skills

There is some great material in here – some psychology, some communication skills, even a good reading list. Definitely worth a look.

Understand Risk vs Uncertainty

The distinction between risk and uncertainty is one of those things you’ve probably never thought about but that can help you understand the world more effectively once you’re aware of it. A subtle but powerful idea.

VIA Character Strengths

We often have a tendency to focus on problems and how we can improve. But knowing your strengths is just as important, if not more. What are your strengths?

Are You a Maximizer or a Satisficer?

From the “things we should all know about ourselves” department – are you a maximize or a satisficer? Take this quiz to find out.

Free Personality Test: 16 Personalities

Understand yourself and others better with this “freakishly accurate” test. It certainly described me correctly!

Get Better Perspective with The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life can provide some great perspective on how you see yourself, what’s important to you, and where to go from here.

Happiness is Picking Your Problems

Or, Life is a Big Game of Whack-a-Mole

The first of The Three Most Important Things is that the whole point of life is to be happy. But what is happiness?

For an answer to that I’ll turn to one …

The Only Read the Fine Print Reading List

Below is a short list of books that I highly recommend, roughly organized by the chapter in Only Read the Fine Print to which they relate. They all contain important and valuable lessons.

The Three Most Important Things (Chapters 1

The First Rule of Zombies

Is also an important rule of life.

What do I mean when I say “zombies”? I’m referring to the zombies mode in the hugely popular Call of Duty series. In zombies mode, the objective is to stay alive as long …